Decarbonating the world
Decarbonating the world
While technology has made tremendous progress in the past century, there is a growing concern within our societies that we need to act to preserve our planet. Clean transportation, energy, manufacturing, making best use of our agriculture and natural resources : we will face a number of challenges to make our planet great again.
Improving human health, living and working conditions
Improving human health, living and working conditions
"Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity" - Hippocrates. Improving end-of-life expectancy, replacing human organs, exploring new non-chemical predictive medicine, fighting against stress at work, ... in times of growing skepticism on technology, these innovation challenges shall focus on improving our lives and health.
A human-centric 4th industrial revolution
A human-centric 4th industrial revolution
"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim." - Edsger Dijkstra. And yet, Big Brother and Frankenstein are well present in our collective unconscious. Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, IOT, Quantum computing are key technologies to be mastered, with the challenge of making this new digital world a safer and less stressful place for all.
Pushing the human frontiers
Pushing the human frontiers
Past generation of adventurers have built our history, relentlessly pushing the frontiers. These explorations have been strong drivers for technology breakthroughs and innovation. Coping with climate change through space exploration, colonizing the solar system, mining space or deep ocean, these are some the next frontiers.